B.C. Hollywood Horror
Image of Add me... Signed PB

Add me... Signed PB


Add me... and other warnings paperback, signed by the author.

Book Description:

Add me… and other warnings is a short selection of cautionary tales from the author of Dogcatcher.
In Add me… love and stalking on social media have unforeseen consequences.
Shaded is a gritty tale of loss and vengeance, played out on a housing estate backdrop.
Imitative Magic explores the repercussions of ritual magic at a country Halloween celebration.
The prose poem Wounds chronicles one woman's life and the wounds inflicted upon her.
Fresh is a keyhole view of one psychopath’s unique taste…

Something twisted for everyone.

WARNING! Contains dark material. These stories are recommended for a mature audience only.

5x8 inches
52 pages
Approximately 6,000 words.

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